Welcome to ARC's Astronomical Society web site!

The purpose of this organization is to provide an environment where students with similar interests and goals may get together and share their knowledge with each other and have fun.


November Meeting Details:

     This was our second and last meeting of the semester. Most of the planning done this semester is primarily for the upcoming Spring semester. The Minutes of this meeting will be posted within the first week of December, so don't bite your nails!

November Meeting Agenda:

Our next meeting will be held November 28th at noon in room 305 of the Physics and Engineering Department. Here is our Agenda.

October 31st Meeting Details:

     This was our very first meeting of the fall semester and it went very well. We discussed various sky events that we will be keeping track of such as the Leonid meteor shower on November 14, and we also discussed ideas for future club activities.

For more information about this meeting CLICK HERE


Beam Me Up Scottyİ2001