Meetings & Agendas

Here you will be able to read what happened at a previous meeting in case you missed it or you want to review what was discussed. You may also look ahead on an upcoming meeting by clicking on the agenda for that particular month.

     The following is a table of links to agendas and minutes from previous meetings:


Fall 2001
Month Agenda Details
 October Available Available
November Available Available

Meeting Schedule

     We usually meet the last Wednesday of each month at about 12 noon in room 305 of the Physics and Engineering building. If you need a map, click here.

     Since we have already had the last meeting of the Fall 2001 semester, I am making the lists for the upcoming Spring 2002 semester. Note that the time of our meeting may change.


Spring 2002

Month Agenda Details
January Coming Soon Coming Soon
February Coming Soon Coming Soon
March Coming Soon Coming Soon
April Coming Soon Coming Soon
May Coming Soon Coming Soon

Beam Me Up Scotty©2001